Clear the Past Create the Future
My mission is to facilitate, consult and mentor individuals on their journey towards empowerment, emotional mastery and visionary living, helping them clear their past and limiting stories, and clarify and create their path towards fulfilling their inspired purpose.
I am inspired to share my belief we are here to live extraordinary lives, to evolve our consciousness and expand our awareness and potential in all areas of life - according to our own unique set of values and authentic being.
"My mission at EQUILIBRATE is to empower individuals and groups by facilitating, consulting and mentoring them to transform incomplete awareness of judgements and limited perceptions into a more mindful and fully conscious state, with greater accountability, empowerment, self-awareness, and a sense of appreciation for self and others. By using universal principles and their application to human behaviour, pathways to living an authentic expression of themselves are illuminated, emotions are mastered, and potential is maximized, resulting in clarity of purpose and inspiration for creating a visionary life. My purpose is to inspire individuals to take accountability for governing their minds, and to help them find a greater truth, meaning, and purpose, enabling them to reach their full potential and live fulfilling and masterful lives."
Dr. Belle Stone
Transformation Turnaround Specialist
and Mindset Mentor
Bsc. Hons. PhD (Biology)
Dip. Fitness
Senior Certified Demartini Method® Facilitator
Demartini Values® Facilitator.
Addiction Faciltator